Below we find the image of Wisdom, Compassion and Infinite Light. A light that NEVER goes out for those who take up the practice of compassion for all & knowledge and awakening of wisdom.
For those who find themeselves seeking stronger and stronger commitment to the path of awakening it is essential.
Buddhism offers relief to everyone when it comes to suffering - not everyone is seeking such relief. Some of us are like those who play with life’s toys without an ability to give them up. We call it an addiction to the material world.
BUT…for those who are devoted to the path of the Buddha…compassion for ALL and knowledge and awakening are at the fore front of their life.
For those who are uncertain - don’t give up. Keep contemplating the forms, feelings and impulses of your mind.
How do you pereceive the world? How aware and clear are you in regards to consciousness? Is the transcendent part of your practice?
The central image is Amitabha. He is considered an eternal savior for those who have died. He shines with infinite light, infinite life.
In order to deepen practice we must first practice compassion for ALL & Wisdom. Both require devotion and dedication.
An openness and acceptance of all kinds of people… Buddhist Amitabha, Infinite Life, Infinite Light.
John 8:12, NIV: When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.
YES! Both the Buddhist tradition of Amitabha & Jesus speak of the same promise.
Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva when practicing deeply the prajna paramita (the boat of perfect transcendence) perceived that all five skandas are empty and was saved from all suffering and distress.
We begin with concentrated effort to be compassionate to ALL - in Buddhism this includes all of nature and all things.
We ask ourselves, “AM I willing to offer compassion to everyone, to all of nature, to all the things in the world? We start with this question and become determined to willingly offer sincere, selfless loving kindness without measure.
Don’t give up. Keep going.
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