This post is NOT about the lyrics to the song, You, You, You…I’m in love with YOU! Click the link. You You You 1953 Lyrics and music.
It is, however, about asking YOU to stop rough riding over anyone in YOUR life…which comes in the form of being convinced YOU are right and the other is wrong.
This was called a show-off at one point in time…but we have gone way beyond that word. We use mental health words…narcissism, borderline, anti-social and just plain stupid.
Is it because of the intense, ever-present divisiveness?
This dominant, divisiveness is not a new desire. It is an ancient, twisted view. We have a tendency to want to be on top, to be right, to be righteous, to be judgemental. To best the other. When this happens, we get ugly.
Believe it or not this ugliness is considered a righteousness, which can land us in righteous indignation. It comes from the root of the first stage of a spiritual awakening. It is built on the ancient teaching of good & evil, right & wrong. Even if we do not have a spiritual practice, righteousness and righteous indignation arises. We get angry over just about everything!
Name-calling follows.
It is built around the underlying concept of sin and sinless…which is often misunderstood.
To sin simply means missing the mark and to be sinless is hitting the mark. In more modern terms, to sin means making a mistake, and to be sinless means not making a mistake.
What happened to forgive & forget? We all make mistakes.
BUT…this explanation still sets us up to condemn and to be condemned. We disapprove, attack, and censure. We have a long history of this approach to one another. It can be about…well, just about everything!
We do not follow “Live & Let Live!”
The culprit is that we are intolerant. Our intolerance comes from…you got it…righteousness, righteous indignation, thinking we are better than, smarter than…and a vitriolic desire to be on top.
We want to win!
Contention is pervasive. And worse yet…it is promoted. We criticize. We have malice. Disgust. YOU name your poison.
What happened to R E S P E C T?
As long as YOU remain on the first stage of spirituality YOU will judge and measure others on the basis of what YOU think is right & wrong. This keeps you at the level of children on the playground who fight over who is right and who is wrong!
We need to grow up!
This requires great strength & determination. The ball and chain of right & wrong are weighted to judge and condemn.
The method that helps to break up such a mindset begins with keeping your mouth shut. Followed by an open, vast approach to at least listen to what others might say or do. When we remain silent we have an opportunity to understand and accept.
Silence is essential!
When you are in a situation where YOU feel as though YOU need to correct someone, override what they think or believe, or condemn or make an effort to straighten them out…YOU are coming from a divisive state which YOU feel is RIGHT or WRONG.
Be still. Be silent.
No one is left out of this dilemma. The reason for this inclusion of everyone is that most, if not the great majority of us, have been trained on the first stage of spiritual awareness. It boils down to split into I am right & YOU are wrong!
There are many stories that describe this phenomena. We observe this in the continuous discord in the media.
Are YOU taking sides?
It appears to be a mud fight between adults on the field of desire for power & wealth.
We need just a little bit of respect to stop the divisiveness. Just a little bit so we can stop the splitting and aggressive attacks. We need to study ourselves, that is YOU and ME, so that we can stop looking at the mud fight and begin to see WE are part of the mudslinging madness.
It requires peace of mind within ourselves and respect for others.
We have become fearful of one another. We form clicks. We have stopped open discourse with neighbors, friends, and family.
Start with ourselves. To respect ourselves and others. To remain uncontroversial. It is hard to hear others when we think and believe we are right!